Sometimes our clients know exactly what they want their narrative, corporate, or marketing video to look like. Sometimes our clients only have a few general ideas, and they just want us to help round out the concept. And sometimes, they know what they want their video to do—like increase their Twitter followers, tell a compelling story about one of their customers, or spread the word about a new product—but they haven’t figured out how.

No matter how formed your ideas are, our expert teams in Los Angeles or Washington DC can help. We take you through a guided process that helps us tease out exactly who the video should be talking to, what it should tell them, and how it should say it.

Once we understand those parameters, we have a big brainstorming session where we throw tons of stuff at the wall (literally, there’s a big wall we put ideas on) and get together a shortlist of the best ones. Then we pitch these back to you, allowing you to pick the one that aligns with your vision, or your client’s.